Event: Texas Army ROTC Leadership Speaker Series presents Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli’s lecture titled “Leadership in the 21st Century.” Chiarelli, a four-star general, is the highest-ranking ROTC graduate in the U.S. Army and former commander of 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
When: Friday, Dec. 2, 10-11 a.m.
Where: UTC 4.122, The University of Texas at Austin.
This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP early as space is limited.
Background: Gen. Chiarelli became the 32nd vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army in 2008, prior to which he was the senior military assistant to the secretary of defense. Chiarelli has served in Army units in the United States, Germany and Belgium. He has commanded at every level from platoon to corps.
Chiarelli holds a bachelor of science in political science from Seattle University, a masters of public administration from the University of Washington, and a masters of arts in National Security and Strategy from Salve Regina University. He is known for placing a strong emphasis on the importance of education within the armed forces, and he advocates for the broadening of curricula “to reflect the complexity of the modern operating environment and increasing opportunities for leaders to serve in assignments outside the traditional military structure.”
“Although I have spent the majority of my 35-year career serving in traditional, ‘muddy boots’ Army organizations, the experience that best prepared me for division and corps command in Iraq was the 5 years I spent earning a masters degree and teaching in the Social Sciences Department at the U.S. Military Academy,” Chiarelli says in the September/October 2007 issue of Military Review.
“We should consider expanding opportunities for interagency team members to work routinely with military organizations,” he says. “These members would increase their understanding of what the military can and cannot contribute to our national security solutions. To the argument that this type of cross-training damages ‘warrior culture,’ I say that a broad exposure to experiences outside the traditional military can only help our leaders as they operate in an increasingly interconnected world.”
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