AUSTIN, Texas—”Paris-Auschwitz-Paris: A French-Jewish Experience in the 20th Century,” will be presented by Charles Baron, president of the Official Committee of the Deported Jews of France at 4 p.m., Feb. 28, at The University of Texas at Austin.
Though he had lost his parents and home during the occupation, he returned to Paris to find work as a salesman and there became active in associations related to deportation during World War II, and the fate of the deportees.
Baron is an historian, lecturer and member of the Legion of Honor. He has published widely on the concentration camp experience and on themes of deportation and the Resistance. His lecture will present his life experiences and that of his generation, as well as a perspective on minority issues in France on the French-Jewish experience of the 20th century.
Baron’s presentation will be in the Dean’s Room of Rainey Hall, and is free and open to the public. This lecture is being sponsored by the Gale Chair of Jewish Studies, the Department of French and Italian, the Department of History and the Jewish Studies Program at The University of Texas at Austin, as well as Hillel House and the Jewish community.