AUSTIN, TexasThe digital Knowledge Gateway, The University of Texas at Austin’s Internet-based portal to its vast library, art and other holdings, has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund (TIF).
The fund is a state-run organization whose mission is to stimulate advanced telecommunications infrastructure in public schools, higher education, public libraries and non-profit healthcare facilities.
“The great treasures of this institution belong to the citizens of Texas,” said Dr. Larry R. Faulkner, president of The University of Texas at Austin. “Our target is to establish an online service that exceeds anything else of its kind, permitting Texans everywhere to benefit from the core materials at the heart of our university.”
The grant will be used to deliver Web-based content for public schools. Offerings will include digital learning resources, curriculum-building materials and professional development opportunities.
For more information contact: Dan Updegrove, Office of Information Technology, 512-232-9610, or Jim Kunetka, Office of Resource Development, 512-475-9641.