AUSTIN, Texas—The University of Texas at Austin announced Wednesday (Dec. 3) it has accepted the recommendation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Medical Benefits for Graduate Student Employees. The employees involved are principally teaching assistants, assistant instructors and graduate research assistants.
After an extensive set of meetings, the committee recommended that the university continue its current policy, which treats eligible graduate student employees in the same manner as full-time faculty and staff.
President Larry R. Faulkner assembled and charged the committee to study the issue of medical benefits for graduate student employees in response to a reduction of state support for such benefits. The university had already decided to make up the state reduction using local funds for current graduate student employees. The committee explored the feasibility of other options for graduate students enrolling in the future. The conclusion was to continue the current policy for those students as well.
The continuation of the current policy represents a recurring annual investment of about $6.5 million, and retains the university’s position as one of the nation’s leading institutions in the support of graduate student employees.
Members of the committee are:
- Victoria E. Rodríguez, committee chair, vice provost and dean of graduate studies
- Marian Barber, co-chair, Graduate Student Assembly
- Kyle Cavanaugh, associate vice president for human resources
- John Dollard, associate dean, Office of Graduate Studies
- Don Drumtra, co-chair, Graduate Student Assembly
- Peter Green, chair, Graduate Assembly
- Irene Owens, associate professor, School of Information
For more information contact: Don Hale, 512-471-3151.