AUSTIN, Texas—The College of Fine Arts at The University of Texas at Austin will be hosting a K-16 Arts Education Summit on Jan. 31. The summit will bring together the collegiate and K-12 arts education leadership of the state of Texas. The purpose of this summit is to coordinate the efforts of arts educators at all levels in order to address the state’s needs in arts education.
The summit will be attended by the deans and department chairs of several of the state’s major university fine arts and arts teacher training programs, officers of teacher service organizations, the University Interscholastic League, the Texas Coalition for Quality Arts Education, the Texas Education Agency’s education service centers, the Higher Education Coordinating Board, and fine arts administrators from various school districts.
At last year’s summit, discussion focused on the teacher shortage, advocacy in school districts for arts education, and the University of Texas System’s K-16 initiatives. Next Saturday, the summit will focus on the pros and cons of alternative certification programs, the revised Texas Examination of Educator Standards, school finance reforms, the “No Child Left Behind Act” and other legislative and policy issues that have a bearing on arts education in the state of Texas.
For more information contact: Bruno Longarini, College of Fine Arts, 512-475-7021.