AUSTIN, Texas Dr. Frederick R. Chang, former president of technology strategy for SBC Communications, has been appointed a research professor in The University of Texas at Austin’s Department of Computer Sciences, effective Sept. 1.
Research professors develop independent research programs, performing collaborative research with academic faculty, organizing and presenting seminars and colloquia involving faculty and students, teaching courses, supervising undergraduate or graduate student research, serving on committees and attending supporting events. The research professor position was introduced in 2002 to enhance the university’s ability to attract high quality research talent and more fully integrate research and teaching.
As president of technology strategy for SBC Communications, Dr. Chang led an organization responsible for establishing SBC’s long-term technology direction. He was formerly president and chief executive officer of SBC Technology Resources, now SBC Laboratories, Inc., SBC’s applied research and development subsidiary. He began his professional career at Bell Labs.
He is a member of the National Security Agency Technology Panel and serves on the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board Committee on Telecommunications Research and Development for the National Academy of Sciences. He also serves as chairman of the board of the Austin Technology Council.
A cognitive scientist, Dr. Chang received his bachelor’s degree from the University of California, San Diego, and his master’s and doctor’s degrees from the University of Oregon. He also completed the Program for Senior Executives at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.