AUSTIN, Texas—Cosmologists from around Texas will gather at The University of Texas at Austin on Friday, Sept. 15 to discuss the Big Bang, the early universe and dark energy.
The Department of Astronomy and the Physics Department’s Weinberg Theory Group are hosting the first Texas Cosmology Network Meeting in an effort to build a Texas Cosmology Network.
Participating scientists will come from The University of Texas at Austin, Texas AandM University, the University of Texas-Dallas and the University of Texas-San Antonio, universities that are developing research programs in cosmology. Cosmologists from the University of Cambridge in England will also attend.
The meeting will consist of a dozen short talks from participating scientists on such topics as string theory, dark energy, star formation and the Big Bang.
For more information, visit Texas Cosmology Network Meeting.
For more information contact: Eiichiro Komatsu, Department of Astronomy, 512-471-1483; Patrick Greene, Department of Physics, 630-726-8446.