AUSTIN, Texas—Dr. Leonard Moore, a nationally recognized scholar on issues about race and popular culture, will speak at a 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, public forum at The University of Texas at Austin addressing racial stereotypes and caricatures and how they relate to recent claims of racism in the Austin community.
The forum, "Moving Forward: An Honest Dialogue,” will be in the Multipurpose Room of San Jacinto residential hall, and is free and open to the public. It is co-sponsored by the university’s Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Student Government and the Division of Housing and Food Service, in cooperation with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Black Student Alliance, Inter-fraternity Council and the Multicultural Information Center.
Moore, an associate professor of history at Louisiana State University, has written articles and books on topics including class conflicts over residential space, politics and desegregation in Cleveland, African Americans and identity with sports and other topics. He will lead the dialogue on the evolution of hip-hop, focusing on the music, culture and politics. He also will discuss the intersection of hip-hop and sports and their impact on American culture.
“In light of disturbing incidents involving cultural insensitivity near our campus this year, I believe this discussion is very important,” said Dr. Gregory Vincent, vice president of the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement.
Vincent said the program, during which Moore will discuss these issues through current and historical perspectives, provides an educational opportunity for students from varied backgrounds to gain insight into race and popular culture instead of relying on inaccurate stereotypes and caricatures.
For more information contact: Robert D. Meckel, Office of Public Affairs, 512-475-7847; Henna Tayyeb, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, 512-232-4855 or 512-689-4092.