“Body of War,” a collaboration between University of Texas at Austin Radio-TV-Film Associate Professor Ellen Spiro and former talk show host Phil Donahue, has been named “Best Documentary” for 2007 by the prestigious National Board of Review. Last month, the film was selected for the “short list” of titles competing in the Best Documentary Feature category at the 80th Academy Awards. The National Board of Review is a non-profit organization with no commercial ties to the motion-picture industry. “Body of War” is a feature documentary tracing the postwar life of Iraq veteran Thomas Young, who was paralyzed by a bullet to the spine. The film is Young’s coming home story as he evolves into a new person, dealing with his disability and finding his own unique and passionate voice against the war. The film is produced and directed by Spiro and Donahue. Karen Bernstein co-produced the film and Bernadine Colish served as editor. The film features two original songs written and performed by Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder.
Dec 13, 2007
Film professor’s documentary honored
“Body of War,” a collaboration between University of Texas at Austin Radio-TV-Film Associate Professor Ellen Spiro and former talk show host Phil Donahue, has been named “Best Documentary” for 2007 by the prestigious National Board of Review.