“Diverse: Issues in Higher Education” has named Kevin Cokley one of “10 Rising Stars of the Academy,” an honor bestowed on exceptional U.S. scholars under 40 years of age who have made significant contributions to higher education in teaching, service and research. Educational background, publishing record and competitiveness and uniqueness of field of study are considered in selecting the winners. Cokley is an associate professor in the College of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology. “Diverse” first published its list of up-and-coming young scholars in 2002 in what has become one of its most popular editions. The magazine covers news and information about under-represented groups in higher education.
Jan 24, 2008
Educator named rising star by magazine
“Diverse: Issues in Higher Education” has named Kevin Cokley one of “10 Rising Stars of the Academy,” an honor bestowed on exceptional U.S. scholars under 40 years of age who have made significant contributions to higher education in teaching, service and research.