Spanish novelist, poet, playwright and filmmaker Vicente Molina Foix will visit The University of Texas at Austin on Tuesday, Nov. 11 and Wednesday, Nov. 12 to participate in events relating to his work.
Molina Foix will discuss his critically acclaimed novel “El abrecartas” at 4 p.m. on Nov. 11 in Benedict Hall 2.104, and he will provide a poetry reading in the Map Room at the Perry-Castañeda Library at 3 p.m. on Nov. 12.
Molina Foix graduated in art history from the University of London, taught Spanish literature at Oxford, art history at the Universidad del País Vasco and later became a full-time writer. He gained fame at the age of 24 as a poet when he was included in the now classic anthology “Nueve novísimos poetas españoles” (1970).
Molina Foix has written a number of acclaimed novels, including “Busto,” “Los padres viudos,” “La Quincena soviética,” and “El vampiro del la Calle México.” In 2007, Molina Foix won the prestigious Premio Nacional de Narrativa (National Award for Fiction) for his novel “El abrecartas.”
Molina Foix has written for the Spanish newspapers “Diario 16” and “El País” and for the film journal Frames.
He also wrote and directed the film “Sagitario” which premiered in 2001.