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Research Prizes and Honors
[Have you or a colleague won a research-related prize or honor? Let the Research Alert know.]
Dr. Maria Juenger, civil engineering professor, has been awarded the 2009 Walter P. Moore, Jr. Faculty Achievement Award from the American Concrete Institute.
Juenger, recognized for her contributions to teaching the fundamental materials science of cement, uses a materials science approach to study cement and concrete by investigating the complex interrelationship between processing, chemistry, microstructure and properties. Interested in reducing the negative environmental impact of concrete, Juenger seeks to find creative means to improve production processes and promote recycling, while improving concrete’s durability.
News and Information
The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) and the Division of Statistics and Scientific Computation (SSC) will offer free federal grant development assistance next semester to eight early-career tenure-track faculty at The University of Texas at Austin who have not received federal funding to date.
The program is designed to maximize a grant’s funding possibility through technical writing guidance provided in monthly meetings with a nationally recognized grant-writing consultant, Elizabeth Tornquist. Each participant will also be assigned an on-campus statistical or mathematical consultant from SSC to collaborate on the creation of a high-quality analysis section.
The program is intensive, requiring two to three meetings (individually and in small groups) per month across the spring semester, with the aim of creating a strong draft of a federal proposal by June 2009.
Applications are due by Dec. 12, 2008, for federal grant proposals to be submitted no earlier than June 2009.
Eligible applicants are early-career tenure-track faculty who are within three years of joining The University of Texas at Austin and have not received federal funding.
To request an application or more information, contact Maria Winchell in OSP, 512-232-4319.
QuotedUT Researchers in the News
[A sampling of recent quotes by university faculty members and researchers. To be included in this section, let the Research Alert know when you or a colleague have been quoted.]
The New York Times
Nov. 16, 2008
HEADLINE: At Exxon, Making the Case for Oil
[From an article on how Exxon Mobile Corporation will adapt to the shifting energy landscape]
Whatever shape Exxon’s business model takes, analysts say it is unlikely that the company will get there quietly.
“They are tough, and they have the reputation of being an unyielding company,” says Michelle Michot Foss, who heads the Center for Energy Economics at The University of Texas at Austin. “But it’s a tough business. They are criticized for being too conservative. But they are very patient, and probably in the long term that pays off.”
Research Opportunities
Important university research deadlines:
Awards and Grants
Limited Submissions
Cooperative Materials Research Projects – Student Research Program III
Deadline: Dec. 22, 2008
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
FY 2010 Core Program Announcement for Non-Federal Sector
Deadlines: Pre-proposal, Jan. 8, 2009; Invited Full Proposal, March 12, 2009
Plant Feedstock Genomics for Bioenergy: A Joint Research FOA USDA, DOE
Deadlines: Pre-application, Dec. 9, 2008; Application, Feb. 18, 2009
FY 2009 National Network for Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program
Deadline: Feb. 2, 2009
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Deadline: Dec. 10, 2008
AACR-FNAB Fellows Grant for Translational Pancreatic Cancer Research
Deadline: Dec. 18, 2008
AACR Colorectal Cancer Coalition Fellows Grant
Deadline: Dec. 18, 2008
Informing Systems Biology through Genetic Variation: The Genes, Environment and Health Initiative
Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Dec. 14, 2008; Application, Jan. 14, 2009
National Cancer Institute Program Project Applications
Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Dec. 28, 2008; Application, Jan. 28, 2009
Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology and the Tumor Microenvironment
Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Jan. 19, 2009; Application, Feb. 19, 2009
NIDA Core “Center of Excellence” Grant Program
Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Jan. 26, 2009; Application, Feb. 26, 2009
Exploratory Studies of Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells from Healthy and Mental Health Patient Populations
Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Jan. 27, 2009; Application, Feb. 27, 2009
The Effect of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination/Bias on Health Care Delivery
Deadline: Feb. 5, 2009
CAM Approaches in the Management of HIV Disease and Its Complications
Deadline: March 27, 2009
Genes and Genome Systems Cluster
Deadline: Jan. 12, 2009
Perception, Action and Cognition
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2009
ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers
Deadlines: Letter of Intent, Jan. 20, 2009 for Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination (PAID), and Aug. 4, 2009 for Institutional Transformation (IT) and Institutional Transformation Catalyst (IT-Catalyst); Full Proposal, Feb. 24, 2009 for PAID, and Nov. 12, 2009 for IT and IT-Catalyst.
Innovation and Organizational Sciences
Deadline: Feb. 2, 2009
Partnerships for International Research and Education
Deadlines: Preliminary Proposal, Feb. 26, 2009; Full Proposal (by invitation only), Aug. 4, 2009
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education: Building Human Capital
Deadlines: Optional Applicant Web Conferences, Nov. 21 and Dec. 2, 2008; Brief Proposals, Jan. 23, 2009; Invited and Assisted Full Proposals, June 12, 2009
Research Project
[Let the Research Alert know about your research projects.]
Woodrow Wilson Fellow
The Environment and Corporate Responsibility: Law, Science and Economics at Environmental Defense, 1967-2000
FACULTY: Dr. Sally Clarke, professor, Department of History
AGENCY: Woodrow Wilson International Center
AMOUNT: $42,700
Although convention pictures environmentalists at odds with business because corporations have been the source of so many environmental problems, some environmentalists have recognized that firms need to be enlisted in efforts to resolve these problems. My project is premised on the idea of investigating how public policies have influenced business innovation for the environment. I plan to consider a set of case studies framed around three different types of policy–the so-called “command-and-control” regulation; bans on toxic substances; and emissions trading. Case studies include the ban on asbestos and the emissions trading program used to reduce sulfur dioxide or what is known popularly as “cap and trade.”