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Ransom Center Hosts Marathon Reading of “Shake-speares Sonnets”

Facsimile of 1609 First edition of Shakespeare sonnets
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Facsimile of 1609 First edition of Shakespeare sonnets


Event: In a special Poetry on the Plaza event in honor of National Poetry Month and the 400th anniversary of the publication of “Shake-speares Sonnets,” Shakespearean scholars, poets, actors and students will read the entirety of the 1609 volume, including all of the sonnets and “A Lover’s Complaint.” Cake will be served at this free event to honor the anniversary and William Shakespeare’s upcoming birthday.

This program will be webcast live.

When: Begins at noon, Wednesday, April 22.

Where: The Ransom Center is on the corner of 21st and Guadalupe streets on The University of Texas at Austin campus. Maps of The University of Texas at Austin can be obtained online.

Background: Starting at noon, all 154 of Shakespeare’s sonnets and the poem “The Lovers Complaint” will be read on the Ransom Center plaza. Readers include Dean Young, the William S. Livingston Endowed Chair in Poetry; James Loehlin, director of the Shakespeare at Winedale program; Franchelle Dorn, the Virginia L. Murchison Regents Professor in Fine Arts; and Thomas Cable, the Jane Weinert Blumberg Chair in English. Cable will recite his series of sonnets from memory.