Event: Dr. Bruce E. Gronbeck, the A. Craig Baird Distinguished Professor of Public Address emeritus at the University of Iowa, will receive the Wayne A. Danielson Award for Distinguished Contributions to Communication Scholarship. In conjunction with the award presentation, he will give a lecture titled “The Twenty-first Century Reconstitution of American Political Culture.” The lecture is free and open to the public.
When: 3:30-5 p.m., April 14
Where: Jesse H. Jones College of Communication, LBJ Room (5.160) on The University of Texas at Austin campus. Maps of campus are online.
Background: A professor at the University of Iowa since 1973, Gronbeck works primarily in the area of rhetorical and media studies, with particular interests in contemporary television and politics. He teaches and writes about American cultural studies and the evolution of rhetorical thought, especially from the 18th century to the present.
The Wayne A. Danielson Award recognizes scholars who have made a significant contribution to the understanding of communication. This contribution may stem from new ideas that have important implications for the field or a particular area of study. The contribution also may be viewed as the cumulative impact of a person’s scholarly career.