In this eighth installment of the “Border Views” video series, Gary Freeman, chair of the Department of Government, discusses the problems of an immigration policy focused more on family reunification than on bringing highly skilled workers to the nation.
Freeman studies immigration politics and policy in western democracies. He examines how immigration has profoundly shaped the national development of countries.
Watch two more videos with Professor Freeman from the eighth installment of “Border Views”:
- Video 1: Freeman discusses the gap between conservative public opinion and liberal public policy toward immigration.
- Video 3: Freeman discusses the challenges of an immigration policy focused more on family reunification than skilled workers.
About the video series
As Americans continue to debate immigration reform, border enforcement and Arizona’s recent legislation, experts from The University of Texas at Austin are offering their viewpoints on these issues through a series of online videos.
Each week, “Border Views” has showcased a different faculty member discussing such topics as the history of illegal immigration, the pros and cons of the Arizona law, the unusual political alliances that have developed around this debate and the media’s role in covering it.
Visit the “Border Views” main page for a complete lineup of our experts’ videos.