University of Texas at Austin students will celebrate Thanks Day on Nov. 10, to express appreciation to alumni, faculty, family, donors and the state for supporting their education.
Thanks Day activities from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the university’s Gregory Plaza, help educate students on how The University of Texas at Austin is funded and its funding structure and needs. The event is sponsored by the university’s Student Government, Senate of College Councils, the Texas Exes Student Chapter and Students Hooked on Texas.
Thanks Day is being held in early November because it marks the first quarter of the school year, which is about the same proportion of a student’s education that is funded by tuition and fees. The remaining three-fourths is funded by other sources, including taxpayers through state general revenue, alumni, parents, grants and other sources.
Thanks Day events include students signing a life-sized thank you card on Gregory Plaza as well as individual thank you cards that will be mailed to alumni, parents and friends. Students also will participate in a video recording of thank you messages. Cookies provided by Tiff’s Treats and special napkins illustrating the university’s budget expenditures will be available.