Stanford University President John Hennessy, praises Intellectual Entrepreneurship (IE) for attracting a diverse student body to the fields of science and technology. IE is an initiative in the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin.
Hennessy also commended IE for the mentorship and undergraduate research opportunities it provides.
Watch a YouTube video of Hennessy discussing why he supports IE.
Watch a video in Know about the IE program and how it encourages undergraduates to explore the opportunities of graduate school.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp, President of Excelencia in Education Sarita E. Brown, Syracuse University Chancellor Nancy Cantor, Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee, University of Oregon President Richard Lariviere and University of California President Mark Yudof have all recently endorsed the university’s IE initiative.
Watch Cantor’s endorsement on the Syracuse University Web site, Gee’s endorsement in Know and Thorp‘s, Lariviere‘s, Yudof‘s and Brown‘s endorsements on YouTube.