Wesley Howard is one of 10 top entering freshmen from across the state selected to receive the prestigious Forty Acres Scholarship, a new program from the Texas Exes Scholarship Foundation.

Wesley graduated from Center High School in Center, Texas in June. He was accepted to The University of Texas at Austin for fall. Over the last four years, he has been involved in numerous leadership positions at his school, volunteered extensively in his community and received multiple awards and honors for his academic and volunteer excellence.
Wesley served as president of his junior and senior class and has been a member of Center High School’s band throughout all four years, playing the alto saxophone in the marching band and various competitions. For the past three years, Wesley was a member of the Shelby County Junior Chamber of Commerce, where he was able to select volunteer opportunities and obtain service hours through the Chamber of Commerce and various other community organizations. He also served as one of the chamber’s young ambassador.
Wesley has volunteered with Angel Food Services, a monthly distribution and delivering center for meals, and with Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library. Over the years, he assisted in the library’s organization, book cataloging and check-out process. He has also helped with community book fairs and maintaining the library’s computer system.
During his junior year, Wesley was nominated by his school’s principal for the Chesapeake Energy Corporation’s Discovering Tomorrow’s Leaders contest. He was chosen as one of eight finalists out of hundreds of applicants to receive the award. He has participated in various organizations during high school including Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, Student Council, various University Interscholastic League academic competitions and the junior varsity and varsity tennis team.
Explore More
- Read more Forty Acres Scholars profiles.
- Learn about the inaugural class of Forty Acres Scholars.
- Visit the Texas Exes.