The lives of those who learn, teach and work on this campus were touched by the nation’s assault on Sept. 11, 2001. The worst terrorist attack in United States history permanently altered campus life, security, research and studies at The University of Texas at Austin.
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, a series of events have been organized to commemorate the tragedy. The university, Student Government and other campus entities have planned these observances.
“Sept. 11, 2001 was a watershed event in this country and throughout the world. Now, with the passing of 10 years, it is a unique time for reflection,” said Robert Hutchings, Dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, which is sponsoring a panel discussion on moving forward after 9/11. “We not only honor those whose lives were lost on that day, but we continue to try to understand the longer-term meaning and import of those events, even as we tackle a host of new challenges.”
Keep checking this Web site for related news stories from the university community.
Friday, Sept. 9:
- Flag lowering: An ROTC unit will lower the flags on the Main Mall at 9 a.m. Flags on the Main Mall will remain at half-staff and will be lighted overnight through the weekend. Other campus flags will be at half-staff.
- Remembrance activity: In the aftermath of 9/11, thousands of students gathered at the Tower to mourn together. This year, people are encouraged to return to the Tower to leave notes of remembrance. Paper will be provided for those interested in writing their individual perspectives and memories of 9/11. The notes will be collected in baskets at the location and deposited in the official University Archives at the Briscoe Center for American History in Sid Richardson Hall.
- Commemorative carillon concert: At noon, listen for a special musical performance by Tower Carillonneur Tom Anderson.

- Panel discussion: From 1:30-3 p.m. the LBJ School will host a panel discussion titled, “Conversation 9/11: A Decade After, Looking Forward” in the Applied Computational Engineering and Sciences Building (ACE), Avaya Auditorium 2.302. The event is free and open to the public. Current students are encouraged to attend.
Saturday, Sept. 10:
- Moment of silence: There will be a moment of silence requested during the Texas football pregame against Brigham Young University at Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium.
Sunday, Sept. 11:
- Darkened Tower: From midnight Saturday, Sept. 10 until sunrise Sunday, Sept. 11 and again from dusk Sunday until Monday morning, Sept. 12, the Tower will be darkened in memory of the events of 9/11.
- Flag display: Ten years ago, the university paid tribute to those whose lives were lost on 9/11 by displaying the U. S. flag on the front of the Main Building. In observance of the 10th anniversary, the American flag will once again be displayed at the heart of the university’s campus.
- Performance event: Watch “september play” a 9/11 memorial theater production developed by Courtney Sale, an M.F.A. candidate in the Department of Theatre and Dance, at 8 p.m. in the Anna Hiss Gymnasium. Admission is free, but space is limited. Read “A day to remember,” a story about “september play.”