Event: Astronauts, Robots and Rocks: Preparing for Geological Planetary Exploration.
When: Thursday Oct. 27, all-ages science festival (5:306:45 p.m.), Lecture (7:00-8:00 p.m.)
Where: Welch Hall 2.224, The University of Texas at Austin. A map is available online.
Background: Mark Helper, a senior lecturer at The University of Texas at Austin’s Jackson School of Geosciences, shares stories about training astronauts for geological field work on other planets, working with NASA robot engineers and suiting up for a simulated moon mission in a remote Canadian impact crater.
The event will be webcast live, with online viewers having the opportunity to ask questions. A video preview of the talk is online.
Prior to Helper’s lecture is a science festival with interactive learning activities for all ages.
The free event is open to the public and is part of the Environmental Science Institute’s Hot Science Cool Talks Outreach Series.