Event: The Cockrell School of Engineering‘s Technology Entrepreneurship Society (TES) presents “Talking Startups With Michael Dell, founder of Dell Inc.”
When: 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17, doors open at 5:15 p.m.
Where: The Auditorium, Student Activities Center (SAC) at The University of Texas at Austin.
Background: Join the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Professor of Innovation and Chair of Free Enterprise Dr. Bob Metcalfe as he interviews Michael Dell about his experiences with the early life of Dell Inc., as well as innovation within the technology industry. A question and answer session follows.
Attendees must complete the official event attendance form.
The event is open to the public. Please arrive early; seating will be available on a first come first serve basis. Members of 1 Semester Startup, the Technology Entrepreneurship Society and partnering organizations will have reserved seating.
The audience is invited to stay for a networking session with attending entrepreneurs. Partner entrepreneurship societies will be available to answer questions about their organizations.
For more information, visit the Technology Entrepreneurship Society or follow TES on Twitter at @TESatUT.