In honor of its 75th anniversary, the Tower at The University of Texas at Austin will shine orange with “75” in the windows the evening of Monday, Feb. 27.
The university’s Tower is the most outstanding feature of the Main Building, designed by Paul Cret and completed in 1937. The Tower rises 307 feet, and an observation deck is above the 27th floor.
Read more about the university’s iconic Tower in two feature stories: How to Build a Tower and A Towering Mystery Solved.
And join in the anniversary celebration on Monday, Feb. 27.

Celebrate the Tower’s 75th Anniversary
Monday, Feb. 27
- 11:30 a.m. 1 p.m.
- 10 a.m. 4 p.m.
- 5:30 p.m.
Birthday Cake
Tower birthday cake and anniversary stickers will be available on the West Mall.
A Special Architectural Drawings Exhibit
The Alexander Architectural Archive (ground floor of Battle Hall) will sponsor an open house with a display of original Main Building and Tower drawings by architect Paul Cret.
A Main Building Historical Tour
Explore the history, architecture and symbolism of the Main Building and Tower.
Tour lasts about one hour. Meet in front of the Main Building.
Tour does not include the Tower observation deck. Contact Jim Nicar for more information.
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