Event: The Starling Distinguished Violinist Series at the Butler School of Music presents British violinist Chloë Hanslip. She will be joined by pianist Danny Driver for a program of Beethoven, Brahms, Schnittke and Bowen. Tickets will be available at the door one hour prior to the performance. $20 public; $17 faculty/staff and seniors; $10 students.
When: Thursday, March 22 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Bates Recital Hall, MRH Building
Background: According to Christopher Latham of Limelight, Chloë Hanslip “is likely to become the greatest violinist of her generation.” Starling Distinguished Violinist Series Artistic Director Brian Lewis, violin professor at the Butler School of Music, is pleased to introduce Austin audiences to this emerging musician.
In addition to her recital March 22, Hanslip will teach a master class, free and open to the public, on Wednesday, March 21 at 5:30 p.m. in the Butler School of Music, MRH 5.138.
Made possible by a generous grant from the Starling Foundation, the Starling Distinguished Violinist Series has been bringing the world’s best and brightest violinists to Austin since 2005. To date, the Starling Foundation has provided $210, 000 in order to fund the Starling Distinguished Violinist Series. Past performers have included Mark O’Connor, Cho-Liang Lin and Glenn Dicterow.
More information about this and all Butler School of Music events can be found on the calendar or by calling the Butler School of Music events hotline at 512-471-5401.