Event: The Course Transformation Program, Academic Showcase
When: Wednesday, Feb. 6 from 2:30 to 5 p.m.
Where: Avaya Auditorium (ACES 2.302)
Background: University of Texas at Austin faculty members will showcase how they have transformed large gateway courses at the Course Transformation Program’s (CTP) Academic Showcase on Wednesday, Feb. 6 from 2:30 to 5 p.m.
From using candy bars and paper money to teach economics to developing customized software that virtually tracks real-time assessment in a biology classroom, CTP’s faculty participants have transformed nine classes over the course of two years.
An initiative of the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, CTP aims to deeply transform large gateway courses at the university, and it has gained visibility as one of the most ambitious instructional transformation projects on the national landscape.
Faculty panelists from the departments of Economics, English and Psychology who were in CTP’s second cycle will share what their goals were for the first year, key activities they engaged in, lessons they learned and plans for the future. First-cycle participants from the School of Biological Sciences, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Division of Statistics and Scientific Computation will share highlights of a maturing course redesign as well as address the challenges of sustainability.
Gretchen Ritter, vice provost for undergraduate education and faculty governance and director of the Course Transformation Program, will introduce the Showcase, and Pat Davis, senior associate dean of the College of Pharmacy and a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, will moderate the panel.