Event: The University of Texas at Austin Latino Male Symposium
When: Friday, June 7, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Student Activity Center (SAC)
Ballroom, 2201 Speedway
Latino male students have among the lowest high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates in the nation.
Just three years ago, the national graduation rate for Latino males was 58 percent compared with that of white male students their graduation rate was 78 percent, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
The Latino Male Symposium has convened since 2011 to discuss this ongoing educational crisis in Texas and throughout the country. This year’s events will include:
- A report from Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success) Executive Director Victor Saenz from three years of research on Latino males in Texas colleges and universities.
- A featured panel, “What We Can Learn from Latina-focused organizations:” A conversation with leaders from Con Mi MADRE, Latinitas, Las Comadres Para Las Americas and guest speaker state Rep. Mary E. Gonzalez.
- Breakout sessions featuring Project MALES mentors, mentees and undergraduate/graduate students at UT.
The symposium will feature keynote speaker Luis Ponjuan, an associate professor in Educational Administration and Human Resource Development at Texas AandM University and co-founder of Project MALES. Ponjuan will discuss the development of the new Texas Education Consortium for Male Student Success and current challenges that educators face in working with male students of color.
The 2013 UT Latino Male Symposium is co-hosted by Project MALES and the Divisionof Diversity and Community Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin. Registration is free, but it is required. Register here.