Starting June 1, all local Austin-area phone calls will require a 10-digit dial (area code plus the seven-digit number).
People dialing the Austin area from a campus phone using only “9” plus the seven-digit number will receive an error recording asking them to try their call again. Ten-digit dialing from campus phones to local Austin numbers (9 + 512 + seven-digit number) is available for use now.
Note that five-digit dialing on campus is not affected.
You can find additional information in the Public Utility Commission of Texas notice.
Faculty and staff members are encouraged to prepare for this change now by ensuring all their printed and online materials contain 10-digit local numbers, updating any seven-digit numbers on directories of devices they use and updating campus telephone features they use as follows:
Manual call forwarding to off-campus local numbers using “9”+ seven digits will fail. Manual forwarding of calls to off-campus local numbers will require “9”+10 digits and can be changed now. (For those with telephones programmed by ITS to forward to an off-campus number on a Busy or No-Answer condition, ITS has changed these entries to “9”+10 digits.)
ITS has updated all existing speed-call and auto-dial entries to off-campus local numbers to “9”+10 digits. Future speed calling and auto dial entries for off-campus local numbers will require “9”+10 digits.
Incoming calls to campus telephones that display caller information will display “9”+10 digits.
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 512-475-9400.