While the university heads into winter break this week, campus still has plenty to offer visitors. Captivating art? Check. Historical exploration? No problem. Elite sporting events? We’ve got that, too. Plus, the most magical holiday treat of all: ample parking.
Click the headings and images below for details on how to enjoy campus during the holiday season. Use the 40 Acres Self-Guided Tour on Foursquare and the Hoofin’ It Around Campus map on Pinterest for a more comprehensive campus visit.
Click the image for details on UT’s art offerings. Top to bottom: The Blanton Museum of Art, Harry Ransom Center, Landmarks Public Art and the Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports
Click the image for details on exploring history and science on campus. Top to bottom: LBJ Presidential Library, Texas Memorial Museum, Harry Ransom Center and the Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports
Click the image for details on athletics events on campus for the rest of 2013.
Click the image for suggestions on the best UT photo ops.