In this Web edition of UT Game Changers on The Longhorn Network, Elizabeth Richmond-Garza sets a gothic mood by traveling to Jack the Ripper’s London, which was not as different from today as you might think.
One hundred fifty years ago it was more important to act appropriately than to act sincerely. Victorians were comfortable with people leading double lives, as long as those lives were kept separate. Work, family and especially any bad habits were seen as different worlds, not only as parts of one individual. Twitter, Facebook and other social media tempt us to create alternative identities for ourselves, but as Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll found out, becoming Mr. Hyde is dangerous as well as exciting.
UT Game Changers brings The University of Texas at Austin’s intellectual talent beyond the classroom with an hour-long show to be broadcast on The Longhorn Network along with a Web-only version, above.