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UT Austin News - The University of Texas at Austin

The State of the Supercomputers

UT operates some of the world’s fastest and largest computers. Take a look inside the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the processors that drive some of the world’s most important discoveries.

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New Stanzione
Dan Stanzione, Executive Director of TACC and Associate Vice President for Research at UT, with the Frontera supercomputer

Inside a large building on UT’s J.J. Pickle Research Campus — once in the boonies north of Austin but now flanked by the upscale Domain development and Q2 Stadium — is a room about the size of a grocery store in a mid-sized town. In that room, where every aisle feels like the frozen aisle, sits row after row of racks, 7 feet tall, each holding stacks of black central processing units. It is tempting to write that these CPUs are quietly figuring out the secrets of the universe, but quiet they are not. All conversations in this room must be shouted, as the whirring of thousands of fans make it as loud as a sawmill. They are on the job around the clock, no bathroom breaks, no weekends, no holidays.

This is the Data Center, the roaring heart of UT’s Texas Advanced Computing Center, which for 23 years has been at the forefront of high-powered computing and a jewel in the crown of The University of Texas at Austin.

“Supercomputer” is an informal term, but it’s “a good Texas concept”: our computer is bigger than yours, muses Dan Stanzione, TACC’s executive director and associate vice president for research at UT Austin for the past decade. Almost every supercomputer today is built as an amalgam of standard servers, and it is when servers are clustered together that they become supercomputers.

Supercomputing at the University dates back to the late 1960s, with mainframes on the main campus. The center that became UT’s Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, a key player, was started in 1973 by Tinsley Oden, a core contributor to the methods at the heart of computational science and engineering. In the mid-1980s, Hans Mark, who had started the supercomputing program at NASA, became UT System chancellor and took a keen interest in its advancement. But funding withered through the 1990s. Everything was rebooted, so to speak, when TACC was founded in 2001, “with about 12 staffers and a hand-me-down supercomputer,” recalls Stanzione, who was recruited to TACC a few years later by Jay Boisseau to be his associate director.

One of several TACC buildings on UT’s J.J. Pickle Research Campus in north Austin

TACC operates three big platforms, named Frontera, Stampede3 and Lonestar6, in addition to a few experimental systems, many storage systems and visualization hardware. In a given year, Frontera, the biggest computer, will work on about 100 large projects. Other machines, such as Stampede3, will support several thousand smaller projects annually.

Stanzione, an affable South Carolina native who grew up in New Jersey and whose path to Texas led through Clemson and Arizona State, explains that computing speed has increased by a factor of 1,000 every 10 to 12 years since the late 1980s. In 1988, a gigaFLOPS — 1 billion floating-point operations per second  — was achieved. The first teraFLOPS was reached in 1998. A petaFLOPS (1 quadrillion) happened in 2008. An exaFLOPS (1 quintillion) was reached in 2022. Next up is the zetaFLOPS, which might be reached in fewer than 10 years.

Stanzione says that over the last 70 to 80 years, this increase could be attributed roughly in thirds: a third physics, a third architecture (how the circuits and computers were built) and a third algorithms (how the software was written). But those are now changing as we bump up against the limits of physics.

“Now, we’re in a phase where physics is providing less of a boost than it did in the 1990s, when we just bought faster chips.” There was a time when making the transistor smaller would roughly double the performance, but now chips have become so small that the gates of the newest transistors are only 10 atoms wide, which results in more leakage of electrical current. “They’re so small that the power goes up and the performance and speed doesn’t necessarily go up,” he says. The ability to keep the power constant ended in 2007.

Powering the Processors

The average American home runs on about 1,200 watts. TACC, by comparison, typically requires about 6 megawatts, with a maximum capacity of 9 megawatts. (A megawatt is 1 million watts, or 1,000 kilowatts.) Frontera, TACC’s biggest machine, alone uses up to 4.5 megawatts, and TACC uses the amount of power equivalent of about 5,000 homes.

“The turbines at Mansfield Dam, full power, are 30 megawatt turbines, so we could use a third of the capacity of the dam just in the Data Center now,” Stanzione says, with a blend of astonishment, swagger and concern. “We’re going to add another 15 megawatts of power in the new data center that we’re building out because the next machine will be 10 megawatts.”

To mitigate the energy used by these hungry machines, TACC uses wind credits to buy much of its power from the City of Austin. A hydrogen fuel cell nearby on the Pickle Campus also supplies power, so we “have a fair mix of renewables, and what we do but for the most part we buy our power off the grid,” Stanzione says.

TACC’s new data center under construction in Round Rock will be powered completely by wind credits. Round Rock, where I-35 crosses SH-45, has become a hotspot for data centers because that is where fiber-optic lines, which run along I-35, enter a deregulated part of Central Texas. (Austin is regulated, but Round Rock, Pflugerville, Taylor and Manor are not, offering competitive utility prices).

The Quest for Cooling

The first thing you notice upon entering the Data Center is that it is cold. But the faster the machines, the more power they require, the more cooling they require. TACC once air-cooled the machines at 64.5 degrees. But you can only pull through so much before you start having “indoor hurricanes,” says Stanzione. “We were having 30-mile-an-hour wind speeds.” Spreading the servers out would help the heat dissipate but would require longer cables between them. And even though the servers are communicating at the speed of light, as pulses shoot down a fiber-optic cable, “which is about a foot per nanosecond (one-billionth of a second) or, in good Texas-speak, 30 nanoseconds per first down. If we spread them out, then we’re taking these very expensive computers and making them wait,” he says. Those billionths of a second add up.

TACC’s Sean Hempel runs new cable on the Frontera supercomputer during an expansion that contributed to urgent computing capabilities, which was being used for the COVID-19 crisis and a record hurricane season. Photo courtesy of TACC

In 2019, when its fastest computer was using 60,000 watts per rack, they switched to liquid cooling, in which a coolant is piped over the face of the chip. Horizon, the next system, will use 140,000 watts per cabinet of GPUs (graphics processing unit). Now they have switched to other ways of transferring heat off the surface area of the processor: immersion cooling. It looks like science fiction to submerge computers in liquid, but it is not water. It is mineral oil.

The People Behind the Processing

TACC requires 200 staffers. Many work on the user support and software side, visualization and AI. The core team that staffs the Data Center numbers 25, with at least one person there around the clock to watch for problems. There are people who “turn wrenches,” replacing parts and building out the hardware. Others mind the operating systems and security. Still others work on applications and scheduling and support code tuning. Almost half of the staff are Ph.D.-level research scientists.

Much of the staff is divided into support teams for projects within a given domain, such as the life sciences team, because they “just speak a different language,” says Stanzione. “I could have a physicist support a chemist or a material scientist or an aerospace engineer because the math is all shared. If you speak differential equations you can work in those spaces, but when you start talking genome-wide association studies, there’s a whole different vernacular.” Besides the life sciences team, there is an AI data team, a visualization group and experts who build out interfaces like gateways and portals.

As for the users, scientists from some 450 institutions worldwide use TACC machines. The center is primarily funded by the National Science Foundation, which supports open science anywhere in the United States. Some 350 universities in the U.S. use TACC, but since science is often global, it is often the case that a U.S. project lead will have collaborators overseas. Many foreign collaborators are in Europe and Japan. Because TACC is funded mostly by the NSF, scientists in certain countries are not allowed to use TACC machines.

Stanzione says the diverse nature of supercomputing is what attracts many to the field. “I’m an electrical engineer by training, but I get to play all kinds of scientists during a regular day. As we say, we do astronomy to zoology.” Traditionally, supercomputers have been used most in materials engineering and chemistry. But as the acquisition of digital data has gotten cheaper in recent decades, TACC has seen an influx of life sciences work. “Genomics, proteomics, the imagery from MRI, FMRI, cryoEM (cryogenic electron microscopy) — all of these techniques that create huge amounts of digital data increasingly cheaply means you need big computers to process and analyze it,” says Stanzione.

The upshot of all this data flowing in for about the last seven years has been the emergence of AI to build statistical models to analyze it. “That’s fundamentally what AI is,” says Stanzione. “That’s probably the most exciting trend of the last few years: taking all the science we’ve done and bringing AI into how that works.”

“We’re actually replacing parts of physics with what we’re calling surrogate models so we can do a faster scan in a space of parameters, simulate a possible hurricane, simulate every possible molecule for drug discovery. We scanned billions of molecules for interactions with COVID, every possible compound, and we used AI to accelerate that.”

Stanzione says that the machines ramp up for every big natural disaster. “If there’s a hurricane in the gulf, odds are we’re taking tens of thousands of cores offline to devote it to hurricane forecasting. This time of year we have a project with our neighbors up in Oklahoma who are doing storm chasing. We run fast forecasts of severe storms so they can send the tornado chasers out in the right direction at 4 o’clock every morning. In response to earthquakes, we do a lot of work around the infrastructure in response to natural hazards.” New earthquake-resistant building codes are the result of simulation data.

I’m an electrical engineer by training, but I get to play all kinds of scientists during a regular day. As we say, we do astronomy to zoology."

Dan Stanzione

TACC systems have been used in work resulting in several Nobel Prizes. TACC machines were among the ones responsible for analyzing the data leading to the 2015 discovery by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) of gravitational waves, created by the collision of two black holes. The existence of gravitational waves was predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916.

John Fonner (left) and Nick Thorne of TACC discuss a chassis on the Lonestar6 supercomputer that hosts graphics processing units to support machine learning workflows and other GPU-enabled applications. Photo courtesy of TACC

TACC also provided resources to the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, which in 2012 discovered the subatomic particle known as the Higgs boson, which confirmed the existence of the Higgs field. “Almost every day, there was data coming off the colliders to look at,” Stanzione recalls.

“Some days I get to be a biologist. Some days I’m a natural-hazards engineer. Some days we’re talking about astrophysics. Some days we’re discovering new materials for better batteries.”

Video screens show a sample of work TACC machines are doing: a study of the containment of plasma for fusion, what happened after the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011, a binary star merger, a simulation of a meteor hitting in the ocean off Seattle, severe storm formations, ocean currents around the Horn of Africa, a DNA helix in a drug discovery application, some of the first data from the James Webb Space Telescope being worked on at UT, stitching together the color graphic and all the images. “We have an endless variety of stuff that we get to do.”

As data has gotten cheaper, the social sciences now are moving in. “We have people instrumenting dancers with sensors all over their bodies who we store data for, things we never did 20 years ago. Between the things that we can model physically, the things where we can process a bunch of data or statistically model through AI, there’s probably not a department at the University that doesn’t have a tie to high-performance computing as their data or computations get bigger.”

A New Chapter

In July, the National Science Foundation announced that, after many years of funding TACC’s supercomputers one system at a time, TACC would become a Leadership-Class Computing Facility. Stanzione calls it “a huge step forward for the NSF and computing,” and says they have been in the formal planning process for this for seven years and informally involved for 25 or 30 years. Moving TACC to what the NSF, in its understated way, terms “the major facilities account” puts it in an elite club of institutions such as the aforementioned Large Hadron Collider, LIGO and several enormous telescopes, “things that run over decades.”

“From a scientific-capability perspective, we’re jumping an order of magnitude up in the size of computers we’re going to have, the size of the storage systems and additional staffing.” TACC is building a new data center in Round Rock just to house its next supercomputer, Horizon. The new data center, which the federal government is paying to customize, will be managed by a private data center company. TACC will remain on the Pickle Campus.

Aside from a quantum leap in capability, there is also a consistency and sustainability aspect to the new NSF designation. Individual computers built with grant funding have a useful life of four to five years. “It’s like buying a laptop — they age out,” Stanzione explains. “If you’re partnering with one of these big telescopes like the Vera Rubin Observatory that’s going to operate for 30 years, there’s a huge risk for them if their data-processing plan relies on us and we have a four-year grant to run a machine. Now, we’re going to decade-scale operational plans with occasional refreshes to the hardware of the machine, which means we can be a more reliable partner for the other large things going on in science.”

Ecological work requires observations over decades. Astronomy work requires data to persist for a long time. In a show of leadership in that area, TACC recently sent a team to Puerto Rico to retrieve data from the Arecibo Observatory, long the world’s largest single-aperture telescope, before it shuts down. They came back with pallets of tapes with petabytes of data that have been collected since 1964 there. “If you’re making a billion-dollar investment in an instrument, you’re going to want to have both the processing capability and the data sustainability around that instrument,” Stanzione says.

Now, we're going to decade-scale operational plans with occasional refreshes to the hardware of the machine, which means we can be a more reliable partner..."

Dan Stanzione

“For me, the first-order exciting thing is big new computers. That’s what drives us to do stuff. But for the national scientific enterprise, it’s consistent, sustainable data.”

UT Users and AI

TACC of course has had long relationships with many UT faculty. “A lot of our users go back decades to our founding 23 years ago and even before,” he says, “but I’m not sure everybody [at UT] knows we’re here, or they see us as the NSF facility for the national community.” But TACC does have a role in supporting UT Austin and the UT System.

“I’d encourage researchers, when you get to the point where you’re yelling at your laptop because you can’t fit stuff in Excel anymore, or you’ve got a machine in the corner with a sign on it that says ‘Nobody touch this because it’s going to be running for the next three months to get this computation done,’ you should give us a call.” What we were funded to do and the reason we exist is to help you do your science at a larger scale and faster than you’re doing it now.”

One area where TACC has seen explosive growth is in the AI community. They have frequent contact with UT faculty in computer science, but AI is popping up all over campus. There are applications in the business school and the medical school, for instance, which are not TACC’s traditional users.

Addressing AI within the context of supercomputing is basically redundant. “AI and the supercomputing infrastructures have converged. We’ve been building a lot of human expertise supporting and scaling large AI runs, and now with the new facility will be building out more capacity to permanently host AI models for inference, so you can build a reliable service to tag an image or identify a molecule or get an AI inference on the most likely track of our hurricane or things like that.”

In some sense the tail has wagged the dog, says Stanzione. “The corporate drivers for AI are stealing a lot of our people, making it harder to get the chips and pieces that used to be almost exclusively our provenance.” Now, Microsoft is making investments at “unthinkable scales,” tens of billions of dollars, as are many other players, he says, noting $300 billion in infrastructure globally this year. “But we are where a lot of these techniques came from, and we look forward to partnering with more AI users around the campus as we both understand what it can do, how to use it responsibly and how to minimize the energy it takes to run these big models. These are all core concerns for us, and that’s probably going to be a big growth area for us in years to come.”